22. LinkedIn interaction on my coaching
Source: The comments section of Dini Tajudin's LinkedIn post
- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dinitajudin_how-im-transitioning-to-working-less-in-activity-7236508339168288769-KSxo
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21. LinkedIn "Recommendation" by a Member of “Malaysia PeersOnDemand Elite” online community
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20. LinkedIn "Recommendation" by a coaching client
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19. Participants' takeaways and feelings at end of 1st workshop of "Make 2024 My Best Year!"
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18. LinkedIn post acknowledging an interview I gave
Arifa Rahman's take on the interview I gave Abby El-Asmar for Abby's Ummahpreneur podcast.
The full 37-minute interview is at:
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17. 2021 LinkedIn post by a friend since 1980
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16. Facebook post by a coaching client
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15. Testimonials by a coaching client, Issac Ng on his self-learning journey
15.1 LinkedIn Recommendation
15.2 LinkedIn post
Click here for my Facebook post that Issac included above.
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14. LinkedIn post by a coaching client on her coaching journey
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13. Feedback on my speaking at a live talk show on Family Support
To read all the feedback (and view the video recording of the talk show) please click here:
Here are some of the feedback:
"Very interesting to get to know you ..... a real family orientated person. Your ways and ideologies are new and open. You should write to guide others and how it change you and your family strength. Super great ideas ..... for a content and happy life." — Susithra Karan
"So compelling! I am so drawn to your stories. The family and couple plan is revolutionary. I also love the idea of making your house a centre of gathering for the extended family." — Gina Phan
"Very insightful view on family support. Thank you for sharing how you sought and secured family support for decisions that you made and the adjustments based on their feedback. It’s not easy especially in our culture." — Zainal Ahmad
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12. Facebook post by a friend after ad hoc coaching
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11. Facebook post by a member of my Productivity Mastermind Group
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10. Facebook post by a coaching client
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9. Facebook post by a coaching client
berazam = resolved
azam = resolutions
Taknak berhutang = Don't wanna be in debt
boros dah = spendhrift anymore
ptpn is a type of education loan
8. Private message from a training participant
Name of testimonial author available upon request by emailing me at [email protected] or calling/messaging me at +60122003251.
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7. LinkedIn post by a training participant
Name of testimonial author available upon request by emailing me at [email protected] or calling/messaging me at +60122003251.
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6. Facebook post by a coaching client
Name of testimonial author available upon request by emailing me at [email protected] or calling/messaging me at +60122003251.
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5. Presentation (video) by a coaching client
"Excuses" fool self ("alasan" menipu diri), according to Samsul. He tells his story of realizing that things said by people (and by him) to him(self) are just excuses, so now he says to himself, POUNCE (TERJAH)!
More information on presenter available upon request by emailing me at [email protected] or calling/messaging me at +60122003251.
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4. Facebook post by a coaching client
Mention is made of two coaches: running coach and me, "life coach" (highlighted in yellow below):
Five years of running and I have been playful in my trainings, missing here and there, giving myself discounts in distances, running harder than I should on easy days, etc. No more.
Since 8 weeks ago, I have decided to be consistent. This is also because coach drilled me to be consistent and I saw two running buddies' one year data (*cough* John *cough* Ping) and was very at awe with their constant improvement.
Coach said, the miracle of improvement will happen even if someone just run easy runs for six months, as long as they're consistent. I have 8 weeks of consistent training under my belt right now, and, the proof is below.
8 weeks ago I did a 27km long run, with Patihe Suip pacing me from km11 to km23. I faltered when he left and ended up run/walk with pace of above 8mins and heart rate at 90% max.
Yesterday, at km22, a good buddy Shahrul Adly ran with me till I finished, and amazingly I kept a good pace of below 6:40, heart rate about 86% Max, and we were actually engaged in a long conversation. My first time ever doing 27km with average pace below 7mins.
If that magic happened in just 8 weeks consistent training, imagine the next 8 weeks. Imagine the next one year.
The challenge? Making time. But I have had a long discussion with a life coach Hasannudin Saidin that I can definitely make time. Create time. Conjure time. To make things happen.
Not blowing my own horn here. I hope this post motivates others in their pursuit for targeted improvements.
My comment to the post:
Name of testimonial author available upon request by emailing me at [email protected] or calling/messaging me at +60122003251.
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3. Facebook "Share" of the Facebook Page "Best Year Yet in Malaysia"
Name of testimonial author available upon request by emailing me at [email protected] or calling/messaging me at +60122003251.
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2. Facebook "Share" of an event
Name of testimonial author available upon request by emailing me at [email protected] or calling/messaging me at +60122003251.
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1. Testimonial from coaching client
(Original testimonial in Malay language follows below)
My scribblings on coaching sessions with Coach Hasan
The coaching process with him was a wonderful journey albeit with twists and turns, in knowing myself, what my potentials are and what I want all this while, also the pits of shortcomings that were successfully unraveled to make me more focused in everything I do, as well as giving a clear picture of what I want all along.
The power of the paradigm that was shaped with his guidance gave me a tight slap. It was like a battery charger giving new power within me. Whereas up till now I had been sighing, and the expecting of returns for all efforts I expended had oftentimes ticked my inner self, now with the manifestation of the paradigm statement, all these I have scraped from my inner being. I am now more spirited and focused in everything that I undertake. Tasks and challenges given I now accept with an open heart because I know that the job of a caliph is indeed fraught with obstacles and challenges. I am also confident that in all difficulties there lies sweetness yet.
Coach Hasan has given significant enlightenment and emphasis on the principle of BE, DO and HAVE. Prior to this I had been in the category of DO, indifferent to the importance of the BE principle. The consequence had been me being tired out, not steadfast (istiqomah) in all matters and probably can be regarded as having been futile.
My goals are now clearer with the guidance of Coach Hasan. I am more and more gung ho to achieve the life goals that I have set. Thank you, Coach Hasan for the coaching and knowledge that have been imparted to and shared with me all this while. The person I now am is not like before because I AM A CALIPH AND A KEY TOWARDS SUCCESS.
Name of author available upon request by emailing me at [email protected] or calling/messaging me at +60122003251.
Original testimonial in Malay language:
Coretan diriku terhadap sesi coaching bersama Coach Hasan
Proses coaching bersama beliau merupakan satu perjalanan yang indah namun berliku iaitu dalam mengenal siapa aku, apa potensi diri aku dan apa yang aku mahukan selama ini serta pelbagai lagi lubuk-lubuk kekurangan yang berjaya dibongkar dalam menjadikan aku lebih fokus dalam setiap apa yang aku lakukan serta memberi gambaran yang jelas terhadap apa yang aku mahukan selama ini.
Kuasa paradigma yang dibentuk dengan bimbingan beliau amat memberi tamparan yang hebat pada diri aku. Dimana, ianya umpama alat pengecas bateri yang memberi kuasa baru dalam diri aku ini. Jika selama ini rasa mengeluh dan mengharapkan balasan di atas setiap usaha yang telah aku lakukan kerap terdetik dalam diri ini tapi kini dengan wujudnya kalimah paradigma ini semua itu telah aku kikis keluar dari diri aku ini. Aku kini lebih bersemangat dan fokus dalam setiap apa yang aku lakukan. Tugasan dan cabaran yang diberi kini aku terima dengan hati terbuka kerana aku tahu bahawa tugas sebagai khalifah itu memang akan penuh dengan rintangan dan cabaran. Aku juga yakin bahawa di setiap kepayahan itu pasti akan hadir kemanisannya nanti.
Coach Hasan banyak memberi penerangan dan penekanan terhadap prinsip “BE,” “DO” dan “HAVE” agar aku mengerti dengan jelas. Sebelum ini aku tergolong dalam golongan “DO” tanpa ambil tahu akan penting prinsip “BE.” Kesannya aku penat dan tidak istiqomah dalam segala perkara dan mungkin boleh dianggap sebagai sia-sia sahaja.
Matlamat aku kini lebih jelas dengan bimbingan Coach Hasan. Aku semakin ghairah untuk mencapai matlamat hidup aku yang telah aku tetapkan. Terima kasih, Coach Hasan atas bimbingan dan ilmu yang telah dicurahkan dan dikongsikan kepada aku selama ini. Aku yang kini bukanlah aku yang dulu kerana AKU SEORANG KHALIFAH DAN SEBAGAI KUNCI KE ARAH KEJAYAAN.
Nama penulis boleh didapati dengan meminta melalui emel [email protected] atau telefon +60122003251.