The Bahasa Malaysia (Malay language) word "rubah" is the root word for other words like "perubahan" (the noun "change" or "transformation") and "merubah" (the verb "to change" or "to transform," or the gerund* "changing" or "transforming").
*[a gerund is a noun derived from adding "ing" to the verb]
I chose Rubah as the name of the company for the transformative nature of what we get when I facilitate learning, both for the participants or clients, and for me.
Horizoning our future
"Horizoning" is a gerund I adopted. Horizoning is a rarely used word, but I use it here to signify the act of finding different horizons. Horizon means perspective or outlook or range of things someone knows about, has experienced, or is able to do.
"Horizoning our future" reinforces my vision of transforming both my participants or clients and me to the goals and future we together seek and work on, again when I facilitate learning.
The fox: another meaning of rubah
Rubah also means fox (scientific name: Vulpes vulpes) in Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia. I like that, too, for the positive characteristics attributed to the fox: gregarious, agile, clever, artful and crafty! Thus the fox icon in the company logo.